
Updated 02/19/18


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Anoint(ing) (+oil) God's Power for preaching: Holy Spirit's presence Is 61:1; Rev 6:6
Awake Spiritually active/aware; watching Ro 13:11
Baptism (in water) Turning from sin (openly proclaimed) Acts 19:4,5
Baptism (in the Spirit) Power to minister (anointing + gifts) Acts 19:6; Heb 6:2
Baptism (by fire) Purging of soul (“changed” nature); high calling Job 5:17; Mat 3:11; Mk 10:38; Php 3:14
Breath (air, wind) Spirit of life from God (in the Spirit) Gen 2:7; Joh 20:22; 1-Thess 4:17
Chew Assimilate: digest, adsorb; to discern Lev 11:3; 1-Joh 4:1
Circumcision (flesh: cutting off) Repentance from the heart (soul) Ro 2:29
Fornicating Worldly (unclean adulteress) relationships Is 23:17; Rev 17:2
Sitting Reigning; authority Is 1:1; Rev 4:4
Sleeping Slothfulness; spiritually inactive; death Is 56:10; Mk 13:35-36; Joh 11:13
Standing Uprightness; enduring 1-Cor 10:11-12, 16:13
Sweating Work(s) of the flesh Ps 106:39; Eze 44:17-18
Walk Lifestyle; faith Is 35:15, 65:2