
Updated 02/19/18


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Able Martyr Gen 4:9,10; Lk 11:51
Adam Christ (who becomes the "last Adam") 1-Cor 15:45-47
Abraham (Abram: high Father) Overcomer (by faith) father of many nations Gen 17:5-7; 22:11-12; Heb 11:17
Boaz The bridegroom (Christ) Ruth 3:7-11
Cain Antichrist [church] Gen 4:2-8; 1-John 3:12
David Good Shepherd (Jesus) 1-Sam 16:19-20; Is 9:7
Enoch Overcomer / Two Witnesses Gen 5:22-24; Rev 11:11-12
Elijah (Elias) Old order passing away (the “in part”ministry) Is 40:3; Mt 3:1-3; 17:10-13; 1-Cor 13:8-10
Elisha “Former & latter rain” ministry (double portion) 2-Ki 2:9; Is 61:7
Esau Apostate Christian(s) Gen 25:30-33; Heb 6:4-6
The False Prophet (2nd Beast) Tail (ministry: false docrine); the Pope/Antichrist Is 9:15; Rev 12:4, 13:11-18, 16:13-14; 2-Thes 2:9-10
Gideon Called out remnant (wise virgins) 100-fold Jud 7:1-8; 7:19-22
Goliath Fullness of man (six toes, fingers, etc: 666) 1-Sam 17:4-7
Harlot (+great) Backslid church; USA; Israel: forsaking 1st love Is 1:21; Rev 2:4; Oba 1:4; Rev 17, 18
Hosea Jesus Christ the bridegroom Hos 1:1-2
Ishmael the flesh: carnality; outer-court Christianity Gen 21:10; Gal 4:23-29
Israel Prince (of God) 60-folder Gen 32:28
Isaiah Jah saves: Yeshua saves Strong's # H3470
Jacob Works of the flesh; supplanter: 30-folder Gen 25:31; 27:36
Jonah Son of man: Jesus (in Hell x 3-days) Jonah 1:17; 2:9; Mat 12:40
Joseph Man-child / Two Witnesses (deliverer) Gen 45:4-5
Judah Woman (Church); becomes faithful; 100-fold Hos 11:12
Judas Satan; false brethren; antichrist Lk 22:3; Gal 2:4; 1-Joh 2:22
Melchizedek Christ our high priest Gen 14:18
Mordecai Holy Spirit Est 10:3
Moses Christ our mediator; our intercessor Num 11:2; Deut 5:4-5
Rachel Bride of Christ Gen 29:16-18
Rahab Gentile (nation) believer Joh 10:16; Heb 11:31
Samson Harlot church; foolish virgin Jud 16:14-21
Sarah (in old age) The Woman (Church; brings forth manchild) Gen 18:10-14 (Rev 12:5)
Saul Carnal Christian(s); soulish; works of flesh 1-Sam 15:13-23
Virgin(s) foolish Christians (foolish: the woman in the wilderness) Song 5; Joel 1:8; Mt 25:1-12; Rev 12:6
Virgin(s) wise Christians (wise: the bride/two witnesses/etc.) Song 3; Joel 1:8; Mt 25:1-10; Rev 11:3, 12:5