
Updated 03/28/14


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One GOD Mk 12:32
Two Witness(es) (the Spirit & the Word) Deut 17:6;  Rev-11:3,4; Zech 4:3-6
Three Fullness (body, soul, spirit) (30, 60, 100-fold) etc. 1-John 5:7; Gen 6:16; Mt 13:33; Lu 9:28
Four Soul (mind, will, emotions, desires); earth: 4-qts. Eze 1:5-10; Is 11:12; Dan 7:17; Jer 49:36
Five Ministry (five-fold: hand) (the "in-part" ministry) Mt 14:17; Eph 4:11-12; 1-Cor 13:12
Six Man (created 6th day: number of man); earthly Gen 1:26-31; 2-Sam 21:20; Rev 13:18
Seven Perfection (individual); complete (in Him: rest) Gen 2:2; Ps 12:6
Eight New beginning (fresh start); 8th millennium 2-Pet 2:5; Lk 2:21; Lev 25:20-22; Eph 2:7
Nine Fruit of the Spirit Gal 5:22-23
Ten The Law (commandments/government); testing Ex 34:28; Gen 16:3; 24:55; Dan 7:24
Eleven Incompleteness; lawlessness; unbelief Act 1:22; 2-Chr 36:5-11; Mk 16:14
Twelve Divine government; corporate perfection Mt 19:28; Gen 49:28; Rev 21:12-21
Thirteen Rebellion; backslidden Gen 14:4; 17:25; 1-Ki 7:1
Fourteen 14th day: Passover; deliverance (from bondage) Gen 31:41; Num 9:3-5; Acts 27:27-34
Fifteen Delay(ed) deliverance(s) 2-Ki 20:6; Is 17:5; 38:5-6; Gal 1:18
Seventeen Delayed judgment(s) Gen 7:11; 2-Ki 13:1-5
Twenty Serving Gen 31:38-41; Num 1:3
Twenty four (12 + 12) Symbolic governmental perfection (the 24-elders) Heb 11:40: (Eph 1:10); Heb 11:40; Rev 4:4
Thirty Beginning of ministry (maturity) Est 4:11-14; 2-Sam 5:4; Lk 3:22-23
Forty Tribulation/trials/testing Gen 7:4; Ps 95:10; Eze 4:6
Fifty Jubilee; restoration Lev 25:11-13; Lk 7:41-42
Seventy Divine allotment Ex 1:5; Is 23:17; Dan 9:24
One hundred twenty Death of the flesh (man's given life span) Gen 6:3; Dan 6:1-24; Act 1:15
Six hundred sixty six (666) Fullness of man (# of man: 6+6+6/beast nature) Gen 1:26-31; Rev 13:18
144,000 Fullness of God’s government (12x12);redeemed Rev 7:4-8; 12:5; 14:1-4