
Updated 03/28/14


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Animals (clean/unclean) Holy/unholy Lev 10:10
Ass Stubborn; independent: rebellious Jer 2:24; Hos 8:9
Bear Evil ruler (Russia; through deduction) Pro 28:15; Dan 7:5; Rev 13:2
Bull Fury; out of control Is 51:20
Calf Tenderness; changed nature (submission/child like) Gen 18:7; Rev 4:7
Camel Beast of burden Is 30:6; 60:6
Colt (ass's fold/"daughter of") Wise virgin (barren woman) ministry Is 54:1-8; Mt 21:2-3; Lk 19:30-31
Coney (rock rabbit) Feeble (week) unclean [spirit] Ps 104:18; Pro 30:26
Dog(s) God haters; spiritually destitute; fool Ex 11:7; Ps 59:12-15; Pro 26:11
Fish Mankind Jer 16:6; Mt 4:19
Fox(es) (same as jackal) False prophets; evil rulers; evil thoughts Eze 13:1-7; Song 2:15; Lam 5:18; Lk 13:31-32
Frogs Unclean (lewd: evil miracle working) spirits Ex 8:3; Rev 16:13
Goat(s) Evil ruler(s)/wicked nations/backslidden Christian Job 39:1; Dan 8:5-8; Zech 10:3; Mt 25:32
Horses Strong spirits (good & evil); false security Ps 20:7, 33:17; Is 30:16; Joel 2:4; Rev 6:2, 19
Lamb(s) Jesus/Son of God; Christians John 1:29; 1-Pet 1:19; Lk 10:3
Lion/(young; roaring) Jesus; political sinners; the Devil (adversary) Rev 5:5; Ps 19:31; 1-Pet 5:8
Ox Strength; stubborn (man's nature); minister Pro 14:4; Eze 1:10; 1-Tim 5:18
Ram Strength (religious nature: 2-horns); power: man Ex 29:15-22; Dan 8: 3; 8:20-21
Sheep Believers/Christians (submissive) Ps 44:1-12, 44:22, 78:52; Mt 25:32
Swine Unbelievers; unclean: defiled Mt 7:6; 8:30-31
Wolf Predator (spirit); false prophets; false Christians Jer 5:6; Mt 7:15; John 10:12; Acts 20:29-30