Colors & Directions

Updated 03/28/14


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Amber (gold) Perfection; Judgment (GOD'S) Eze 1:4
Black (dark-ness) Obscurity; death (famine); eternal separation 1-Ki 18:45; Zech 6:6; Jer 4:28; Rev 6:5-6; Job 3:5
Blue Heaven(ly): by nature: the sky; cleansing Pro 20:30; Job 12:7-9 + 1-Cor 11:14a
Brass Judgment; the outer-court (church); corruption Rev 1:15; Eze 22:18; Jer 6:28
Gold God(ly); covering; purity; perfection; 100-fold Ex 25:10-17; Rev 3:18
Green Earth(y); life (growing + sun/energy); to flourish Gen 1:30; Ps 37:35; Jer 11:16
Purple Priestly ministry; royalty; harlot(ry) Ex 39:1; Mk 15:17; Rev 17:1-4
Red Blood: atonement;  war (death); Satan Num 19:2-9; Is 1:18; Rev 6:4, 12:3
Silver Redemption; Christ (Holy Spirit); New Jerusalem Eccl 12:6-7; Zech 11:12; Dan 12:32; Hag 2:7-9
Yellow Unclean; sickness: leprosy/mixture Lev 13:30-36
White Righteousness (covering); pure: new/nature Lam 4:7; Dan 11:35; Mt 17:2; Rev 3:4



Backward Shame; backslidden; confusion Gen 9:23; Ps 40:14; 70:2; Lk 9:62; John 18:6
Behind Worldly desires; fearful (cowardly); subservient Gen 19:17; Deut 25:18; 1-Sam 30:9; Lk 4:8
Crooked Out of order (rebellion) Job 26:13; Ps 125:5; Phil 2:15
Down Hell; fallen Lk 10:15; Eph 4:9
East Place of God's glory; God's entrance; endless Eze 43:1-2, 46-1; Ps 103:12
North God's Throne (judgment); evil nations (Gog/Russia) Ps 75:6-7; Jer 1:13-16; Eze 38:14-15
South Egypt (captivity); the world; “King of South” (USA) Gen 12:9-10; Ps 126:4; Is 30:6-7; Dan 11:11-15
Straight Due order; unwavering; single minded; plumbline Is 40:3-5; Eze 1:12; Amo 7:7-8
Up Redemption; heavenly realm Ps 5:3; Mk 8:25; Lk 21:28
West Kingdoms of flesh; endless Dan 8:5; Ps 103:12